Click onto the above site
Go to the Rationing Challenge
Complete the three shopping lists. List every item, if it was available, rationed,
unavailable or didnt exist. Comment on the reasons. You should have a full chart of food items
Food Item |
Availability |
Comment |
Enter the Research Room
Click on Rationing, Photos and Posters site. Create another chart showing
what was rationed and why give as much information as possible about each item. Remember to click on the Next button to do
all the posters.
Rationed Item |
Information and Comments |
Make an A4 poster similar to those shown but portray something that is relevant to our life and times ie something which
we could reuse, save, recycle, not waste etc (you will be doing this at home for homework).
Continue with Letters and Documents. Click on the ration
book. Either download the picture of the ration book or draw and then answer the questions. Drawing the book can be done
at home.
Click onto Teachers and Parents, Printable worksheets.
Open the rationing challenge. Print out the clothing and doll. Attempt the challenge. Present on coloured A4 paper.
Extension Activity
Make a larger doll using fabric, felt or textured paper. Try making a 3D one dressed in real clothes! You will earn
a gold card for good effort!
Ask the shopper in your family to give you a LONG receipt
from the supermarket. In class we will be analysing what you couldn't have bought, what you could have bought easily and what
was rationed. We will see if your family could "survive" on those rations!