Year 9 Speech 2005

Peanut smelling the flowers


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Queen Margaret College

 English Department

Year 9 Speech

Curriculum Objectives: This task will assess the following objectives

Speaking: Using text:     Using texts to present information/ ideas and arranging material coherently.

                                          Using appropriate speech and delivery to clarify and explore meaning.

Speaking Processes:          Exploring language: identify language features and their effects and use these features in speaking,

                                          adapting them to topic, purpose and audience.

Processing Information:    Select, assemble and interpret information.

Writing: Formal:            Write explanations, express and argue a point of view, linking main and supporting ideas, and

                                          structuring material in appropriate style.

Essential Skills:               Communication skills, work and study skills information skills









You are to write and deliver a persuasive speech of 3-4 minutes on a current event, issue or topic of your choice. Aim to entertain, inform, educate, motivate and inspire your audience. To do this you will need to plan the structure and content of yours speech very carefully.  Consider these points:


Ø       Start with a quote or story which makes your audience think.

Ø       Build your content and examples from personal experience to school life to local society and finally to the wider world.

Ø       Vary humour or lightness with serious statements or facts.

Ø       Show your own interest in the topic; show your passion for it.

Ø       Use rhetorical questions.

Ø       It is a persuasive speech so you must convince your audience of the point you are trying to deliver.

In delivery you will need to rehearse these things:

Ø       Use a clear voice; expression; variety in pace and volume

Ø       Good eye contact with your audience; avoid reading from your cards

Ø       Strong stance and use of gestures

Ø       Building up a message to a high point

Ø       You may integrate or refer to one visual aid if you wish



Speaking Using Text, Exploring Language, Processing Information




Give a formal, informative or persuasive speech to the class that communicates ideas.


Structure your speech well with content suitable for audience and purpose.


Speak audibly to your audience using some appropriate eye contact and variation in voice. Begin to use body language.

Give a formal, informative or persuasive speech to the class that communicates ideas with supporting examples. Begins to offer analysis.


Structure your speech well with content suitable for audience and purpose.


Speak audibly to your audience with some confidence, using appropriate eye contact, variation in voice and body language.


Give a formal, informative or persuasive speech to the class that communicates detailed ideas with supporting examples. Offer analysis.


Structure your speech well with content suitable for audience and purpose.


Speak audibly to your audience with confidence and impact consistently varying voice, eye contact and body language.


Enter supporting content here